Oklahoma floral design

How to Become a Floral Designer in Oklahoma

If you want to pursue a career based on your creativity, it is always advised to choose it if it is also your passion. Many floral designers love their job, and the reason for their creativity is that they never get bored of their work. It inspires them in other aspects of life as well. They make every arrangement just as aspiring and evoking.

But to make these arrangements, one has to understand plants and their chemistry. Which flower lasts longer and should go with which another flower. Because if you pair a flower with a more extended time span with a flower with a shorter life span, your arrangement will be all over the place. The floral designer makes sure that this does not happen.

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Requirements for Becoming a Floral Designer in Oklahoma

The state allows people to become floral designers if they have a high school diploma or GED. Mostly, it depends on the employers. The state has no active rules and regulations. The employer decides the criteria and hires accordingly. Some employers can ask for more education, but most are fine with hiring new people with primary education.

Floral Design Classes in Oklahoma

Schools have many programs, and they all differ from one institution to another. Therefore, it is better to do your research before applying. You should also consider your schedule first and if the program is flexible enough.

Fleuriste Design House
Fleuriste Design House is in Oklahoma City. They offer two hours long classes, and they are more like workshops because the classes are only one-time.

Juniper Designs Studio
Juniper Designs Studio is also in Oklahoma City and has private lessons. The lessons could be monthly and seasonally. They teach you floral design, and seasonal courses are announced one month before the class starts. The monthly class is only one day long and that’s a great value.

Mid-America Technology Center
Located in the city of Wayne, Mid-America Technology center offers a certificate in horticulture technology. The course will take around 38 weeks to complete.

National Certification for Floral Designers in Oklahoma
The American institution of Floral Designers (AIFD) offers CFD credentials. If you want to earn these credentials, you will have to complete a floral design education program offered by the AIFD Education Partner, approved by the State Floral Association, or a SAIFD Chapter. On scoring more than 80 percent, you will get to have your name on the list in the AIFD’s online and offline directories.

Floral Design Schools in Oklahoma

Oklahoma State University

Address: 400 N. Portland Avenue
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma OK
Phone: 405-945-3358